Ravindra Jadeja took to social media to post an adorable selfie with his wife, Reeva Solanki. The all-rounder, on the tour to Australia, played in the recent ODI and T20I series there, and is also part of India's team for the upcoming four-match Test series. He received an injury in the first T20I and was ruled out for the remaining T20I fixtures. He played a crucial knock of 44 in that match, to help his side take an early lead in the T20I series. Taking to Instagram, Jadeja captioned the loved-up selfie with plenty of emoticons, and it went down well with his fans too. Here is the photo:
Ravindra Jadeja Shares Loved-Up Selfie With Wife Reeva Solanki. See Pic
Ravindra Jadeja, who last featured for India in the first T20I against Australia, took to Instagram to share a romantic selfie with his wife, Reeva Solanki.
Ravindra Jadeja is married to Reeva Solanki and the duo have a daughter.© Instagram
Ravindra Jadeja's selfie with his wife went down well with his fans
Many fans pointed out the romantic vibes in the photograph
The all-rounder could miss India's opening Test match on December 17
The cricketer's social media fans pointed out the romantic vibes in the photograph and hailed the couple.
Jadeja has been in good form for India, and has been hailed by pundits for his batting performance in Australia. In the ODI series, he posted scores of 25, 24, and an unbeaten knock of 66. The visitors lost the series, 2-1.
In the first match of the three-match T20I series, Jadeja's unbeaten knock of 44 from 23 balls was once again crucial for India, as they posted a target of 162 runs, which the home side couldn't reach in 20 overs. During the match, Jadeja was hit on his head, and was replaced by concussion substitute Yuzvendra Chahal. India won the T20I series, 2-1.
According to reports, the 32-year-old could also miss the opening Test match of the four-match series, due to the concussion and a hamstring injury during the opening T20I in Canberra. The first Test match is a day-night affair, which begins on December 17.
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