Currently in Australia for India's ongoing tour, Ravichandran Ashwin took to social media to post an adorable photo with his daughter. The post was also on the receiving end of plenty of love from the spinner's wife Prithi Narayanan, who commented with numerous heart emoticons. The 34-year-old spinner is part of India's Test team. He also recently played in the first practice match against Australia A, but was rested for the ongoing second tour game, at the Sydney Cricket Ground. Posting the photo on Instagram, Ashwin captioned it as, "'A' Team! @prithinarayanan". Here is the photo:
Even Delhi Capitals' (DC) CEO commented on the photo, writing, "The same infectious smile".
Ashwin was part of DC's Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020 campaign, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Roped in from Kings XI Punjab (KXIP) ahead of the season, he was DC's third highest wicket-taker in the UAE.
He registered 13 dismissals in 15 matches, at an economy of 7.66.
A veteran in India's Test unit, Ashwin has the ICC Test Player of the Year award in his cabinet, which he bagged in 2016. He will be hoping to help the visitors to victory in the four-match series, which begins from December 17.
The first Test match is a day-night affair, and is from December 17-21. It will be held at the Adelaide Oval. The second Test match is scheduled to be held from December 26-30, at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
The third Test match is on January 7-11, at the Sydney Cricket Ground, followed by the fourth match, which starts on January 15, at the Gabba.
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