India captain Virat Kohli slammed the alleged incidents of racism by members of the crowd against Indian players during the ongoing third Test between India and Australia at the Sydney Cricket Ground on Sunday. Kohli, who is back in India on paternity leave, took to Twitter to call racial abuse "absolutely unacceptable". "Racial abuse is absolutely unacceptable. Having gone through many incidents of really pathetic things said on the boundary Iines, this is the absolute peak of rowdy behaviour," Kohli tweeted. "It's sad to see this happen on the field," he added.
"The incident needs to be looked at with absolute urgency and seriousness and strict action against the offenders should set things straight for once," he wrote in a follow-up tweet.
On Day 4, a group of six spectators were ejected from the Sydney Cricket Ground after India fast bowler Mohammed Siraj complained of abuse.
The incident came a day after India lodged a formal complaint, with Jasprit Bumrah and Siraj alleging racial abuse from the crowd.
The International Cricket Council (ICC) on Sunday condemned the alleged incidents of racism and asked Cricket Australia for an action taken report.
Virat Kohli returned to India after the first Test in Adelaide, as he and his wife Anushka Sharma are expecting the birth of their first child this month. Ajinkya Rahane is leading the team in Kohli's absence.