Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports Kiren Rijiju on Friday said that Gulmarg will be an international destination for Winter Games in the future. Ahead of the inaugural address by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the second Khelo India National Winter Games via video conferencing, Sports Minister Rijiju said the players have prepared well for the upcoming Winter Games, and the showpiece event will be organised with great fervour. "Today is the inauguration of Khelo India Winter Games 2021. We are ready to celebrate the Khelo India Winter Games. Sports ministry in collaboration with Jammu and Kashmir sports council is going organise Winter Games with great fervour," said Rijiju in a video posted on Twitter.
"The players have prepared well for the Winter Games. And we want that in Gulmarg and around the Himalayan area which has the potential to host games should have the facility of Winter Sports. And Gulmarg will be an international destination for Winter Sports and we are preparing well for that," he added.
The event has been organised by the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, in collaboration with the Jammu and Kashmir Sports Council and the Winter Games Association of Jammu and Kashmir.
The sports activities will include alpine skiing, nordic ski, snowboarding, ski mountaineering, ice hockey, ice skating, ice stock, etc. Twenty-seven states, union territories and boards are sending their teams to participate in the games.