Chennai Super Kings registered a comfortable seven-wicket victory over Sunrisers Hyderabad in their IPL 2023 match on Friday. Playing at their fortress, Chepauk, the MS Dhoni-led side restricted SRH to 134/7 after opting to bowl first. Later, the four time champions chased down the target with eight balls to spare, courtesy Devon Conway's 77-run knock. It was delightful day for all the fans at the M Chidambaram Stadium as apart from watching CSK clinching a brilliant win, they also witnessed a heartfelt moment of their star player, MS Dhoni.
After the match ended in CSK's favour, a video was uploaded on IPL's Twitter, where Dhoni was seen interacting and guiding the young players of SRH. The youngsters group included the likes of pacer Umran Malik, Abdul Samad and others.
The video soon went viral on the social media as the fans were left touched by Dhoni's helpful gesture.
Apart from this, the 41-year-old wicketkeeper also hinted towards his possible retirement during the post-match presentation. On being asked about the CSK fans at the Chepauk, Dhoni said that he is "enjoying the last phase of my career".
"All said and done, it's the last phase of my career, however long I play. After two years, the fans have had the opportunity to come here and watch, feels good to be here. Crowd has given us a lot of love and affection," said Dhoni after the match.
Speaking of the match, Dhoni's side gave the home fans at the MA Chidambaram Stadium plenty to rejoice on Friday night by defeating SRH, with opener Devon Conway scoring his third half-century of this IPL season and Ravindra Jadeja claiming three crucial wickets.
Chasing 135, CSK scored the winning runs with eight balls to spare with Conway scoring an unbeaten 57-ball 77 and sharing an 87-run partnership with Ruturaj Gaikwad (35) for the opening wicket.