A month back, the MS Dhoni-led Chennai Super Kings defeated Gujarat Titans in Ahmedabad to clinch their fifth IPL title. The final match got interrupted multiple times due to rain and CSK got a revised target of 171 to be chased in 15 overs. The match went down to the wire as Ravindra Jadeja hit a boundary on the very last delivery and took CSK across the line. With that win, the MS Dhoni-led side equalled the record of Mumbai Indians for having the most number of IPL titles.
CSK on Friday posted a special tweet which had the video of the winning moments of the final.
B Sai Sudharsan slammed 96 in 47 balls as Gujarat Titans posted 214 for four after being asked to bat first. Set a revised target of 171 in 15 overs after rain interrupted play at the start of the second innings of a final that was pushed to the reserve day owing to heavy downpour, CSK completed the task in the last ball.
Ravindra Jadeja struck a six and a four off Mohit Sharma in the final two balls to win it for CSK and even as the players in the yellow jersey run onto the field, Dhoni remained in the dugout, his eyes closed. Neither the juggernaut of the Gujarat Titans nor bad weather for two days could stop Dhoni's men from drawing level with their arch-rivals Mumbai Indians, in terms of most IPL trophy wins.
(With PTI inputs)