Hardik Pandya took to Instagram on Sunday to share a picture with his son Agastya, calling him a "tiny miracle." The Mumbai Indians all-rounder is in Chennai with the rest of the squad as they gear up for their IPL title defence, which begins against Royal Challengers Bangalore on April 9. "Our tiny miracle," Hardik captioned the post along with a red heart emoji. "My boys," Natasa Stankovic wrote on Hardik's post on Instagram while his Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Mumbai Indians left a blue heart emoji in the comments section.
"Our Tiny Miracle": Hardik Pandya Posts Adorable Pic With Son Agastya
IPL 2021: Hardik Pandya has been enjoying some quality time with his family as is evident from his recent Instagram post.
Hardik Pandya posted an adorable picture with his son Agastya on Sunday.© Instagram
Hardik Pandya posted an adorable picture with son Agastya on Sunday
Hardik Pandya called Agastya a "tiny miracle" in his Instagram post
Mumbai Indians will face Royal Challengers Bangalore in IPL 2021 opener
On Saturday, Hardik and Natasa posed for a picture with their son Agastya in a pool, as they enjoyed some down time.
Mumbai Indians will look to create history as they are in with a chance to win three back-to-back IPL titles -- a feat no team has achieved so far in the franchise-based T20 tournament.
Mumbai won the IPL trophy for the fifth time last year after they defeated Delhi Capitals in the summit clash.
Last season, Hardik scored 281 runs from 14 IPL games at a staggering strike rate of 178.98 and played a pivotal role in the team's success.
Hardik didn't bowl last year in the IPL as he was recovering from a back injury, but the all-rounder has started to bowl again in the limited-overs format which is a positive sign for the defending champions.
Although during the recent One-Day International series against England, India skipper Virat Kohli talked about Hardik's workload management, the all-rounder is expected to chip in with a few overs for his franchise in the upcoming season.
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