Ahead of the resumption of the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021, the players and staff members of Delhi Capitals were spotted enjoying a fun-filled evening in Dubai after their training session. The evening had almost everything from dumb charades to karaoke and even some dancing. Shreyas Iyer was spotted trying to match the steps of South superstar Vijay's hit number 'Vaathi Coming'. A short clip from their laughter-filled session was shared by the official Twitter handle of Delhi Capitals. "Come for the Dumb Charades fun, stay for Karaoke and a masterful Vaathi Coming performance. An unforgettable night of laughter and camaraderie," read the caption.
Fans were delighted to see their favourite players enjoying a carefree night before the competition. One user wrote, "Mood changer of the day."
"I am a SunRisers Hyderabad supporter but I enjoy these Delhi Capitals videos a lot, especially the ones involving Ricky Ponting," a fan wrote on the post.
"Never-ending craze," read another comment.
Many Delhi Capitals fans were also impressed with the dancing skills of Shreyas Iyer.
On Friday, Delhi Capitals shared a video from their training session. In the footage, players were seen fine-tuning their catching skills.
"Catches win matches and practice makes perfect. Just our DC stars catching everything in sight," read the Twitter post.
Delhi Capitals will resume their IPL campaign against SunRisers Hyderabad on September 22.
The second phase of the 14th season of the IPL will take place in the UAE from September 19 to October 15.