Ahead of India's Cricket World Cup 2023 final match against Australia, an old comment of Rohit Sharma has gone viral on social media. In the video that was shot earlier this year, the Indian skipper could be heard saying that the team's victory matters more to him than personal milestones. Explaining his view in the video, Rohit says that during a tournament like World Cup, even if he doesn't get a century, India should win the title because that is what actually matters.
"Hume thodi si aadat hai ki jo pichli baar hua hai iss baar bhi wahi hona chahiye. Waisa hona chahiye, aisa hona chahiye. Pichli baar maine 5 centuries kiye, but hum semi-final mein haar gaye. Toh hum nahi chahte vo ho. Toh sab kuch 2019 year ke jaisa nahi hona chahiye. (We have habit of expecting what happened last time to happen this time as well. It should have been done like this. It should have been done like that. I scored five centuries in 2019 Cricket World Cup but we lost in semi-finals. We don't want that to happen again. So everything should not happen like Cricket World Cup 2019)," said Rohit to senior jounalist Vimal Kumar in a video.
"Bhale hi mera ek hundred lage ya do lage ya lage he nahi, lekin World Cup jeetna hai hume. Ye main goal hai. Mera 100 ho ya iska ho ya uska ho usse koi fark nahi padta (Even if I don't get a hundred or two but we should win the World Cup. This is my main goal. My century doesn't matter)," he added.
India take on Australia in the final of Cricket World Cup 2023 at the Narendra Modi Stadium on Sunday. The Rohit Sharma-led side is unbeaten in the tournament so far, enjoying a 10-match winning run.