Ahead of the Final match of the ODI World Cup 2023 between India and Australia at the Narendra Modi Stadium on Sunday, Narendra Singh a dhaba owner in Ahmedabad said that he will serve free 'curry chawal' if the 'Men in Blue' win the extravagant tournament. Speaking to ANI, Narendra said that he has been following the Cricket World Cup since 1983 when former Indian skipper Kapil Dev got hold of the prestigious trophy for the first time.
"I have watched all the World Cup matches since 1983 when Kapil Dev's India won the World Cup. To support Team India in the World Cup, I will serve free 'curry chawal' if the Indian team win the 2023 ODI World Cup," Narendra said.
A resident of Chandigarh Tejinder Singh praised Narendra Singh's initiative and said that it is highly commendable.
He added that India have a strong side and will win the final match of the ODI World Cup 2023.
"Narendra Singh's support to the Indian team is highly commendable. From the very beginning, he keeps doing something in this way so that he can show his love for his country and support for the Indian cricket team. India have a strong side and will win the ODI World Cup 2023," the resident of Chandigarh said.
Unbeaten in the tournament, Team India delivered an all-round performance in the semis against New Zealand to book their spot in the final game of the ODI World Cup 2023 after they beat the Kiwis by 70 runs.
On the other hand, Australia became the second finalists of the ongoing extravagant tournament after they defeated South Africa by three wickets at Eden Gardens in Kolkata on Thursday.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)