India goalkeeper Gurpreet Singh Sandhu took to Twitter to share a hilarious video of him reacting to a question on the popular quiz show 'Kaun Banega Crorepati', hosted by the legendary Amitabh Bachchan. On the show, one of the questions was to name the only Indian male footballer to have appeared in an UEFA Europa League direct qualifying match. The Indian goalie holds the distinction, having appeared in the competition for Norwegian club Stabaek in 2016. The four options that appeared on the show included him, iconic forward Sunil Chhetri, defender Sandesh Jhingan and midfielder Brandon Fernandes.
In the video, Sandhu is seen watching the show on his phone. As Amitabh Bachchan reads out the other three names, he gestures in the negative, while giving a thumbs up when his name comes up.
"Phas gaya (got stuck)," he says after all the names are read out before the video cuts to an iconic Amitabh Bachchan dialogue from the movie 1990 movie 'Agneepath'.
"Phone a friend lifeline pe mujhe call karo," Sandhu captioned the post.
After a stint of three years with Stabaek, Sandhu returned to India, joining Bengaluru FC, and has been at the club since.
The goalkeeper has made 54 appearances for India, and even captained the country in a 4-1 friendly win against Puerto Rico.
Sandhu had started his professional career with East Bengal in 2009, spending five years there including a year-long loan move to Pailan Arrows. He then moved to Norway in 2014, before returning to India with Bengaluru in 2017.