Indian football club Bengaluru FC on Wednesday said three COVID-19 cases have been detected among their players and staff after the side assembled for training in Panaji ahead of their AFC Qualifiers (Preliminary Stage Two) match on April 14.
The positive cases were reported during BFC's training camp which began in Panaji on April 5.
"Latest COVID-19 tests within the Blues' camp in Goa have shown three positive cases among players and staff," the club informed on their twitter handle.
"Bengaluru FC continues to take all the necessary precautions at the highest levels to stay safe, secure and healthy."
BFC will take on either Nepal Army Club or Sri Lanka Police at the GMC Stadium in Bambolim on April 14.
Earlier, BFC skipper and India star Sunil Chhetri had tested positive for COVID-19. The striker, however, has recovered.
BFC finished seventh on the table at the end of the last ISL league stage. The former champions logged 22 points after winning five matches, drawing seven and losing eight games.