Indian football legend Bhaichung Bhutia on Thursday filed a fresh nomination for the post of president ahead of the All India Football Federation (AIFF) elections that are scheduled to be held on September 2. The 45-year-old former India captain's nomination was proposed by the Andhra Football Association (AFA) and seconded by the Rajasthan FA. "I have filed my nomination for AIFF president's post and I feel I am the right person for the job," Bhaichung told PTI.
"I have played so many games for the country and top clubs and I also know a bit on the administrative side as I am in Mission Olympics Cell of sports ministry as well as in other committees. I want Indian football to reach new heights," he added.
Bhaichung had earlier filed his nomination for the president's post and was backed by his former teammate Deepak Mandal and seconded by eminent woman footballer, Madhu Kumari.
Former Mohun Bagan and East Bengal goalkeeper Kalyan Chaubey, a BJP leader from West Bengal, has also filed his nomination and is considered to be firm favourite for the top post.
Chaubey's nomination was proposed by the Gujarat Football Association and seconded by Arunachal Pradesh.