With Yastika Bhatia, Shreyanka Patil and Priya Punia unavailable due to injuries, the selection committee was forced to make some major changes for the upcoming six-match white-ball series against the West Indies Women to be played from December 15. In the T20I squad, the selectors brought in Nandini Kashyap, Sajana Sajeevan and Raghvi Bist as replacements in the 15-member squads for the upcoming series. Harmanpreet Kaur will continue to lead the squad with Smriti Mandhana, who struck a century in the third and last ODI in Australia, will remain the vice-captain.
"The Women's Selection Committee has picked India's 15-member squads for the upcoming three-match T20I & ODI home series against West Indies," the BCCI joint secretary Devajit Saikia informed in a release on Friday.
India's squad for the three T20I series against West Indies: Harmanpreet Kaur (C), Smriti Mandhana (VC), Nandini Kashyap, Jemimah Rodrigues, Richa Ghosh (WK), Uma Chetry (WK), Deepti Sharma, Sajana Sajeevan, Raghvi Bist, Renuka Singh Thakur, Priya Mishra, Titas Sadhu, Saima Thakor, Minnu Mani, Radha Yadav
India Women and West Indies Women will play the three T20Is at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai on December 15, 17 and 19, 2024.
In the ODI squad, the selectors picked Pratika Rawal and Tanuja Kanwer while retaining Tejal Hasabnis, who had come in as replacement for Yastika.
India's squad for the three T20I series against West Indies: Harmanpreet Kaur (C), Smriti Mandhana (VC), Nandini Kashyap, Jemimah Rodrigues, Richa Ghosh (WK), Uma Chetry (WK), Deepti Sharma, Sajana Sajeevan, Raghvi Bist, Renuka Singh Thakur, Priya Mishra, Titas Sadhu, Saima Thakor, Minnu Mani, Radha Yadav
India's squad for the three ODI series against West Indies: Harmanpreet Kaur (C), Smriti Mandhana (VC), Pratika Rawal, Jemimah Rodrigues, Harleen Deol, Richa Ghosh (WK), Uma Chetry (WK), Tejal Hasabnis, Deepti Sharma, Minnu Mani, Priya Mishra, Tanuja Kanwer, Titas Sadhu, Saima Thakor, Renuka Singh Thakur
The three ODIs will be played on December 22, 24 and 27 at the Kotambi Stadium in Vadodara.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)