Ex-India skipper Virat Kohli posted a short video on Twitter where he could be seen flexing his muscles during a shoot. The video was captioned "#BTS" as it portrayed the behind the scenes of a shoot that involved Kohli. The video also featured some special effects while Virat focused on the lights and camera in front of him. Kohli wasn't a part of the recently concluded T20I series win against Sri Lanka and was handed a well-needed break ahead of the two-match Test series against the same opponents beginning March 4.
Kohli has represented India in 99 Tests so far and the first Test in Mohali will mark his 100th. The match is set to be played behind closed doors.
In 99 Tests, Kohli has 7962 runs at an average of 50.39 which includes 27 hundreds and 28 fifties.
Kohli was recently replaced by Rohit Sharma as the all-format captain of the men's Indian cricket team.
Ever since taking over the role of the Indian skipper from former international cricketer MS Dhoni, Kohli helped India achieve great heights, including conquering Australia in Australia.