Former India batter Vinod Kambli on Tuesday celebrated his 50th birthday. Legendary India batter Sachin Tendulkar, who is not only Kambli's former teammate, but also his childhood friend, extended his greetings for the former cricketer in a unique way. Taking note of the "innumerable memories" they've had both "on and off the field", Sachin shared a then and now picture with Kambli to wish him on his 50th birthday. "Happy birthday Kamblya! The innumerable memories we have had both on & off the field are something I shall cherish forever. Looking forward to hear from you on how 50 feels. God bless you," Tendulkar captioned the post.
After noticing Sachin's birthday post for him, Kambli was quick to reply to the batting legend.
"Thank you Master. 50 for me feels as energetic and young as a new born baby," he replied.
Kambli had made his debut during an ODI against Pakistan in Sharjah in 1991. He then had to wait for almost two years for his maiden Test cap before going on to make his debut in the longest format in Kolkata against England.
The southpaw played 17 Tests and 104 ODIs for India, amassing 1,084 and 2,477 runs, respectively, including six centuries and 17 fifties across formats.
Tendulkar, on the other hand, bid adieu to international cricket in 2013, having made his debut in a Test against Pakistan in Karachi in 1989.
He went on to play 200 Tests and 463 ODIs. For the record, Sachin is the all-time leading run-scorer in Tests as well as ODIs, with over 33,000 international runs to his name.
He also scored 51 Test tons and 49 ODI centuries, the most by any batter in the respective formats.