India all-rounder Vijay Shankar on Thursday got married to his fiancee Vaishali Visweswaran in a ceremony which took place, amid the constraints that have been enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic. His Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise SunRisers Hyderabad took to Instagram to share a picture from the wedding ceremony and wished the couple a "happy and blessed" married life. "Sending our best wishes to @vijay_41 on this very special day! May you have a happy and blessed married life #SRHFamily #OrangeArmy #SRH," read the message from the Hyderabad-based franchise on Instagram.
Vijay Shankar Marries Vaishali Visweswaran, SunRisers Hyderabad Send Best Wishes
Vijay Shankar got married on Wednesday and his IPL franchise SunRisers Hyderabad sent their best wishes.
Vijay Shankar had announced his engagement on August 20 last year with an Instagram post.© Instagram
Vijay Shankar on Thursday got married to fiancee Vaishali Visweswaran
SRH took to Instagram to share a picture from the wedding ceremony
The all-rounder had announced his engagement on August 20 last year
The all-rounder had announced his engagement on August 20 last year with an Instagram post. Shankar had uploaded two pictures with his fiancee, captioning the post with a ring emoji. KL Rahul, Yuzvendra Chahal, Karun Nair, Abhinav Mukund were some of the cricketers who congratulated the all-rounder following this announcement.
The 30-year-old was not a part of the recently concluded Indian tour of Australia.
Shankar made his debut in the shortest format of the game for Team India in 2018 against Sri Lanka in Colombo. His maiden international appearance in the 50-over format came a year later against Australia in Melbourne.
He was part of the Indian squad in the 2019 World Cup in the UK.
The 30-year-old has been retained by SRH for the upcoming edition of the IPL, with five players released by the franchise. Billy Stanlake and Fabian Allen are the overseas cricketers who have been released by the Hyderabad-based team.
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