Suresh Raina, former India all-rounder, took to Twitter on Friday to share a picture with Virender Sehwag and Shikhar Dhawan. In the picture, all the three Indian stars were seen sporting a broad smile. Raina termed himself and Dhawan as "Karan Arjun" of Virender Sehwag and expressed his happiness after catching up with the two Delhi cricketers. "Veeru bhai ke Karan Arjun aa gaye So lovely to see you both @virendersehwag bhai & @SDhawan25," Raina captioned the image on the micro-blogging site.
Raina announced his retirement from all forms of the game in August earlier this year.
Raina was slated to play for the Chennai Super Kings in the 13th edition of the Indian Premier League but the former India cricketer had to pull out of the tournament due to personal reasons, days before the cash-rich league kicked off in the United Arab Emirates amid coronavirus.
The left-handed batsman will be returning to the field in the upcoming Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy.
Raina has been sharing pictures and videos of himself sweating it out in the gym and on the field as he gears up to represent Uttar Pradesh in the domestic Twenty20 competition.
Earlier this month, Raina highlighted the fact that India's limited-overs side needs a batsman in the top-order that can help the captain by chipping in with a spell of four-five overs during the middle overs.