Sourav Ganguly, former India captain and current Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president, was taken to the Apollo Gleneagles Hospital in Kolkata after he complained of chest pain on Wednesday. Ganguly had undergone angioplasty earlier this monthin Kolkata at the Woodlands Hospital. At the time of his discharge, doctors had said that a decision on more stents will be taken later. A nine-member medical board of the Woodlands Hospital had on January 4 concluded that angioplasty on Ganguly's other two coronary blockages, LAD and OM2, will be done at a later stage.
The former India captain had spent five days at the hospital before he was discharged after the doctors termed him clinically fit on January 7.
"Mr Ganguly is clinically fit. He slept well and had his meal. He wanted to stay in the hospital for one more day. So he will go home tomorrow. It is his personal decision," Dr. Rupali Basu, MD and CEO of Woodlands Hospital had said.
The doctor had also mentioned that the former India skipper would be monitored at home on a daily basis after being discharged.