Rohit Sharma, like other cricketers, has been on a forced break from the game due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Rohit, who is known for his six-hitting ability, took to Instagram to let his fans know that the batsman is missing being out in the field and hitting the big shots. On Thursday, Rohit Sharma posted a video featuring a collection of sixes that he has hit across all the three formats. In the video, Rohit Sharma can be seen clearing the ropes with ease on multiple occasions against different opposition. "Miss doing this," Rohit Sharmacaptioned the video on Instagram. Soon after the 33-year-old batsman shared the video, fans filled the comments section with heart-warming replies for the Mumbai Indians skipper.
Watch: Rohit Sharma Misses Doing This During Lockdown
Rohit Sharma took to Instagram to share a video featuring a collection of sixes that he has hit across all the three formats of the game.
Rohit Sharma shared a video on Instagram, revisiting some of his biggest sixes.© Instagram
- Rohit Sharma posted a video on Instagram on Thursday
- Video featured a collection of sixes that Rohit has hit across formats
- Rohit Sharma has been quite active on social media during the lockdown
Miss doing this...A post shared by Rohit Sharma (@rohitsharma45) on
"Missing your sixes and fours," a fan said.
"Missing Hitman's Classic Sixes," another fan added.
"We are also missing your shots Ro," a user wrote.
On Wednesday, Rohit took to Twitter to troll his state-mate and India's vice-captain in Test cricket Ajinkya Rahane.
Rahane took to Twitter to reveal how he keeps his mind peaceful during the coronavirus pandemic.
"Everyday I take out some time for myself where I rest with my thoughts, type it out & go through old pictures. It really helps in keeping a peaceful mind," he tweeted, with a photo of him working on his laptop.
His teammate Rohit Sharma, however, took the opportunity to troll Rahane.
Re-tweeting his post, Rohit wrote: "Seriously bro you need start playing ASAP."
The duo from Mumbai has played a lot of cricket together, at the first-class level and for India, and share a good bond.
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