Mumbai Indians skipper Rohit Sharma turned 34 on Friday and the fans have flooded social media with amazing birthday wishes and messages for the 'Hitman' of Indian cricket. However, amid all the posts and wishes, the one that stood out the most was from Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) spinner Yuzvendra Chahal, who shares a great rapport with Rohit. Chahal, on Friday, shared a photo with Rohit in their respective Indian Premier League (IPL) team jerseys and captioned it, "Love of my life, happy birthday Rohitaaaa Sharaaamaaaa."
Chahal enjoys a massive social media following and soon comments poured in on his handle. At the time of writing, Chahal's post garnered over 35,000 'likes' on the micro-blogging site.
"Dhanashree wants to know your location," wrote a fan in the comment box.
"Happy birthday to one of the greatest lovers of umpires," wrote another user.
Another fan posted a picture of Virat Kohli looking confused and captioned it, "Dhanasree after reading this."
Referring to what Rohit's wife, Ritika Sajdeh, may have told Chahal, another person wrote in the comments section, "Meanwhile, Ritika - hat jorke guzarish hai dur rahiye mere pati she ('please stay away from my husband)." The user also shared a still from the Aamir Khan-starrer '3 Idiots'.
Rohit Sharma is currently leading Mumbai Indians (MI) in the ongoing season of the IPL. Mumbai will next take on the three-time champions Chennai Super Kings in the 27th match of the cash-rich league. MI are having a mixed season this year, with three wins and three losses in their opening six matches.