
Xavier Bartlett Overall Stats

Against Opposition

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
West Indies
2 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0.00 - - WI 9 0 0 2 AUS Australia AUS

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
West Indies
2 16.1 1 38 8 4/17 2 0 4.75 2.35 12.12 WI 9 2 2 AUS Australia AUS

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
1 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0.00 - - BAN 2 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
6 5 0 52 40 0 0 5 2 10.40 136.84 4 0 ENG 3 2 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
9 9 1 181 54 0 1 10 11 22.62 141.40 3 0 IND 4 1 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
New Zealand
4 4 2 67 31* 0 0 5 5 33.50 167.50 2 0 NZ 5 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
2 2 0 28 18 0 0 2 1 14.00 103.70 1 0 PAK 6 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
South Africa
3 2 0 65 64 0 1 7 4 32.50 216.66 3 0 SA 7 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
Sri Lanka
1 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0.00 - - SL 8 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
West Indies
5 5 3 151 42 0 0 12 11 75.50 204.05 2 0 WI 9 1 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
2 2 0 88 47 0 0 8 6 44.00 187.23 2 0 ZIM 10 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 1 0 15 15 0 0 1 0 15.00 75.00 - - BER 11 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 1 1 15 15* 0 0 2 0 - 150.00 - - IRE 13 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
1 1 0 29 29 0 0 5 0 29.00 152.63 - - KEN 14 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 1 0 19 19 0 0 2 0 19.00 95.00 1 0 NED 15 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN
5 4 2 67 25 0 0 5 4 33.50 181.08 6 0 SCO 16 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
Hong Kong, China
1 1 0 58 58 0 1 5 2 58.00 126.08 - - HK 19 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN
2 1 0 19 19 0 0 1 0 19.00 118.75 3 0 NAM 20 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 1 0 9 9 0 0 2 0 9.00 225.00 1 0 OMA 28 0 1 3 AUS Australia AUS
2 2 1 106 92* 0 1 12 7 106.00 265.00 3 0 MAS 552 0 1 3 SIN Singapore SIN
2 2 1 141 77 0 2 11 7 141.00 162.06 - - NEP 637 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN
Papua New Guinea
1 1 0 44 44 0 0 2 3 44.00 169.23 - - PNG 750 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2.00 50.00 2 0 AFG 1188 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
1 1 0 38 38 0 0 3 1 38.00 131.03 - - QAT 1763 0 0 3 SIN Singapore SIN

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
1 2 0 15 0 0/15 0 0 - 7.50 - BER 11 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
Hong Kong, China
1 2 0 18 1 1/18 0 0 18.00 9.00 12.00 HK 19 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 4 0 35 0 0/35 0 0 - 8.75 - KEN 14 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 3 0 35 1 1/35 0 0 35.00 11.66 18.00 MAS 552 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 3 0 18 1 1/18 0 0 18.00 6.00 18.00 NAM 20 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 2 0 15 0 0/15 0 0 - 7.50 - NEP 637 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 0.3 0 5 0 0/5 0 0 - 10.00 - NED 15 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
Papua New Guinea
1 4 0 33 1 1/33 0 0 33.00 8.25 24.00 PNG 750 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
1 1.5 0 24 0 0/24 0 0 - 13.09 - SCO 16 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
2 5 0 57 1 1/26 0 0 57.00 11.40 30.00 ZIM 10 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
South Australia
5 6 2 20 12 0 0 1 1 5.00 33.33 4 0 SAU 45 2 0 4 - - -
2 3 1 34 25 0 0 3 1 17.00 33.00 2 0 TAS 46 0 0 4 - - -
New Zealand A
1 1 1 5 5* 0 0 1 0 - 29.41 2 0 NZ-A 688 0 0 4 - - -
Western Australia
4 6 2 67 23 0 0 5 3 16.75 48.55 1 0 WAU 1117 1 1 4 - - -
New South Wales
6 7 1 184 70 0 2 19 8 30.66 66.90 3 0 NSW 1136 1 0 4 - - -
3 5 2 79 28 0 0 11 1 26.33 33.33 2 0 VCT 1137 1 0 4 - - -

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
New South Wales
12 148.3 32 513 13 4/50 2 0 39.46 3.45 68.53 NSW 1136 21 4 - - -
New Zealand A
2 38 7 122 4 3/78 1 0 30.50 3.21 57.00 NZ-A 688 21 4 - - -
South Australia
10 141 34 413 20 4/64 3 0 20.65 2.92 42.30 SAU 45 21 4 - - -
4 72.3 20 223 13 4/58 3 0 17.15 3.07 33.46 TAS 46 21 4 - - -
6 83 23 256 13 5/85 1 1 19.69 3.08 38.30 VCT 1137 21 4 - - -
Western Australia
8 138 42 400 10 5/64 1 1 40.00 2.89 82.80 WAU 1117 21 4 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
South Australia
5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2 0 SAU 45 1 1 5 - - -
4 1 0 23 23 0 0 4 0 23.00 52.27 2 0 TAS 46 0 0 5 - - -
India A
1 1 1 2 2* 0 0 0 0 - 66.66 - - IND-A 395 0 0 5 - - -
Western Australia
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 WAU 1117 1 0 5 - - -
New South Wales
5 3 2 7 4 0 0 0 0 7.00 24.13 2 0 NSW 1136 0 0 5 - - -
3 3 1 38 28 0 0 1 1 19.00 55.07 1 0 VCT 1137 1 0 5 - - -

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
India A
1 7 0 46 0 0/46 0 0 - 6.57 - IND-A 395 20 5 - - -
New South Wales
5 35 1 187 6 2/17 0 0 31.16 5.34 35.00 NSW 1136 20 5 - - -
South Australia
5 44.5 2 219 6 3/43 1 0 36.50 4.88 44.83 SAU 45 20 5 - - -
4 36.5 1 187 6 3/59 1 0 31.16 5.07 36.83 TAS 46 20 5 - - -
3 18 0 110 2 2/44 0 0 55.00 6.11 54.00 VCT 1137 20 5 - - -
Western Australia
2 13 0 83 3 2/45 0 0 27.66 6.38 26.00 WAU 1117 20 5 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
India Under-19
1 1 0 7 7 0 0 1 0 7.00 140.00 - - IND-U19 1163 0 0 22 - - -
Zimbabwe Under-19
1 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0.00 - - ZIM-U19 1177 0 0 22 - - -

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
India Under-19
1 7 1 47 0 0/47 0 0 - 6.71 - IND-U19 1163 2 22 - - -
Zimbabwe Under-19
1 7 0 20 3 3/20 1 0 6.66 2.85 14.00 ZIM-U19 1177 2 22 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
South Brisbane
2 2 0 119 67 0 2 9 5 59.50 138.37 2 0 SBB 3969 0 0 73 GCT - -
1 1 1 65 65* 0 1 4 4 - 162.50 - - TMB 3970 0 0 73 GCT - -
Northern Suburbs
1 1 1 32 32* 0 0 3 2 - 246.15 - - NSB 3972 0 0 73 GCT - -
Western Suburbs
2 1 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 7.00 77.77 1 0 WSS 3973 0 0 73 GCT - -
1 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0.00 1 0 IPS 3975 0 0 73 GCT - -
Sunshine Coast
1 1 0 55 55 0 1 3 4 55.00 171.87 - - SSC 3976 0 0 73 GCT - -
University Of Queensland
1 1 1 44 44* 0 0 1 2 - 118.91 - - UOQ 3979 0 0 73 GCT - -

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
South Brisbane
1 4 0 24 4 4/24 1 0 6.00 6.00 6.00 SBB 3969 3 73 GCT
University Of Queensland
1 4 0 26 0 0/26 0 0 - 6.50 - UOQ 3979 3 73 GCT
Western Suburbs
1 3.3 0 25 2 2/25 0 0 12.50 7.14 10.50 WSS 3973 3 73 GCT

Location Wise Stats

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0.00 - - WI 9 0 0 2 AUS Australia AUS

Batting & Fielding Performance
Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 16.1 1 38 8 4/17 v WI 2 0 4.75 2.35 12.12 WI 9 2 2 AUS Australia AUS

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
19 17 4 330 64 v SA 0 2 24 21 25.38 161.76 11 0 SA 7 2 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
15 14 5 475 77 v NEP 0 2 41 26 52.77 168.44 7 0 NEP 637 1 1 3 SIN Singapore SIN
19 16 2 389 92* v MAS 0 2 35 17 27.78 151.95 15 0 MAS 552 1 1 3 SIN Singapore SIN

Batting & Fielding Performance
Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
3 7 0 72 1 1/18 v HK 0 0 72.00 10.28 42.00 HK 19 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN
8 20.2 0 183 4 1/18 v HK 0 0 45.75 9.00 30.50 HK 19 11 3 SIN Singapore SIN

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
1 1 1 5 5 v NSW 0 0 1 0 - 29.41 2 0 NSW 1136 0 0 4 - - -
20 27 8 384 70 v NSW 0 2 39 14 20.21 47.23 12 0 NSW 1136 5 1 4 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance
Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 38 7 122 4 3/33 v SAU 1 0 30.50 3.21 57.00 SAU 45 21 4 - - -
40 583 151 1805 69 5/64 v WAU 10 2 26.15 3.09 50.69 WAU 1117 21 4 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
1 1 1 1 1* v NSW 0 0 0 0 - 33.33 - - NSW 1136 0 0 5 - - -
3 1 0 28 28 v VCT 0 0 0 1 28.00 49.12 2 0 VCT 1137 0 0 5 - - -
16 8 3 41 23 v TAS 0 0 5 0 8.20 45.05 5 0 TAS 46 3 1 5 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance
Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
1 7 0 34 0 0/17 v VCT 0 0 - 4.85 - VCT 1137 20 5 - - -
3 30 0 170 1 1/20 v NSW 0 0 170.00 5.66 180.00 NSW 1136 20 5 - - -
16 117.4 4 628 22 3/43 v SAU 2 0 28.54 5.33 32.09 SAU 45 20 5 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 1 0 7 7 v IND-U19 0 0 1 0 7.00 140.00 - - IND-U19 1163 0 0 22 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance
Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 14 1 67 3 3/20 v ZIM-U19 1 0 22.33 4.78 28.00 ZIM-U19 1177 2 22 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
9 7 3 322 67 v SBB 0 4 20 17 80.50 148.38 4 0 SBB 3969 0 0 73 GCT - -

Batting & Fielding Performance
Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
3 11.3 0 75 6 4/24 v SBB 1 0 12.50 6.52 11.50 SBB 3969 3 73 GCT

Year Wise Stats

Batting & Fielding Performance
Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0.00 - - WI 9 0 0 2 AUS Australia AUS

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 16.1 1 38 8 4/17 v WI 2 0 4.75 2.35 12.12 WI 9 2 2 AUS Australia AUS

Batting & Fielding Performance
Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0.00 - - SA 7 0 0 3 AUS Australia AUS
5 1 0 0 0 v PAK 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - - PAK 6 1 0 3 AUS Australia AUS

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 7.3 0 62 2 2/33 v SA 0 0 31.00 8.26 22.50 SA 7 7 3 AUS Australia AUS
5 16 0 153 10 5/26 v PAK 0 1 15.30 9.56 9.60 PAK 6 7 3 AUS Australia AUS

Batting & Fielding Performance
Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 2 2 5 5* v SAU 0 0 0 0 - 13.15 - - SAU 45 1 0 4 - - -
3 5 2 41 16 v VCT 0 0 7 0 13.66 37.27 1 0 VCT 1137 0 0 4 - - -
4 5 1 40 25 v TAS 0 0 3 1 10.00 38.83 1 0 TAS 46 1 0 4 - - -
5 6 2 49 22* v WAU 0 0 4 3 12.25 50.00 2 0 WAU 1117 2 1 4 - - -
4 5 2 90 32 v NSW 0 0 12 1 30.00 37.97 6 0 NSW 1136 0 0 4 - - -
3 5 0 164 70 v NSW 0 2 14 9 32.80 67.21 4 0 NSW 1136 1 0 4 - - -

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
4 59 14 176 6 3/33 v SAU 2 0 29.33 2.98 59.00 SAU 45 21 4 - - -
6 90.3 21 301 14 5/85 v VCT 2 1 21.50 3.32 38.78 VCT 1137 21 4 - - -
8 144.2 44 430 11 4/59 v TAS 2 0 39.09 2.97 78.72 TAS 46 21 4 - - -
10 117 34 304 14 4/64 v SAU 1 0 21.71 2.59 50.14 SAU 45 21 4 - - -
8 121.4 24 403 17 4/32 v VCT 4 0 23.70 3.31 42.94 VCT 1137 21 4 - - -
6 88.3 21 313 11 5/64 v WAU 0 1 28.45 3.53 48.27 WAU 1117 21 4 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance
Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
4 2 1 2 2* v IND-A 0 0 0 0 2.00 25.00 - - IND-A 395 1 0 5 - - -
5 2 1 29 28 v VCT 0 0 0 1 29.00 48.33 3 0 VCT 1137 0 0 5 - - -
4 1 0 0 0 v WAU 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1 0 WAU 1117 1 0 5 - - -
3 1 0 4 4 v NSW 0 0 0 0 4.00 21.05 3 0 NSW 1136 0 0 5 - - -
4 4 2 35 23 v TAS 0 0 5 0 17.50 55.55 - - TAS 46 1 1 5 - - -

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
4 22 0 148 3 2/47 v NSW 0 0 49.33 6.72 44.00 NSW 1136 20 5 - - -
5 46.5 1 236 3 3/43 v SAU 1 0 78.66 5.03 93.66 SAU 45 20 5 - - -
4 37 0 216 6 3/59 v TAS 1 0 36.00 5.83 37.00 TAS 46 20 5 - - -
3 20.5 1 83 5 2/28 v SAU 0 0 16.60 3.98 25.00 SAU 45 20 5 - - -
4 28 2 149 6 2/17 v NSW 0 0 24.83 5.32 28.00 NSW 1136 20 5 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance
Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 1 0 7 7 v IND-U19 0 0 1 0 7.00 140.00 - - IND-U19 1163 0 0 22 - - -

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
2 14 1 67 3 3/20 v ZIM-U19 1 0 22.33 4.78 28.00 ZIM-U19 1177 2 22 - - -

Batting & Fielding Performance
Batting & Fielding Performance

M I N/O R HS 100s 50s 4s 6s Avg S/R Ct St Sn Tid Ducks R/O ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
6 4 2 219 67 v SBB 0 3 16 12 109.50 165.90 1 0 SBB 3969 0 0 73 GCT - -
3 3 1 103 52 v SBB 0 1 4 5 51.50 121.17 3 0 SBB 3969 0 0 73 GCT - -

Bowling Performance

I O M R W Best 3w 5w Avg E/R S/R Sn Tid Matches ID team_short_name team_display_name team_short_display_name
3 11.3 0 75 6 4/24 v SBB 1 0 12.50 6.52 11.50 SBB 3969 3 73 GCT

Last 5 Performances

Batting Bowling Opposition Match Date
DNB 4/21 West Indies Feb 06, 2024
DNB 4/17 West Indies Feb 02, 2024
Batting Bowling Opposition Match Date
0(1) 5/26 Pakistan Nov 16 2024
DNB 1/29 Pakistan Nov 14 2024
DNB 1/10 New Zealand Feb 25 2024
DNB 1/49 West Indies Feb 13 2024
DNB 2/39 West Indies Feb 11 2024
Batting Bowling Opposition Match Date
70(75) & 69(109) 2/69 & 0/37 New South Wales Mar 11, 2024
2(7) & 23(52) 5/64 & 0/62 Western Australia Mar 01, 2024
0(1) & DNB 2/40 & 2/41 South Australia Feb 16, 2024
5*(17) & DNB 1/44 & 3/78 New Zealand A Apr 01, 2023
2(6) & DNB 3/54 & 0/23 South Australia Mar 02, 2023
Batting Bowling Opposition Match Date
23(44) 1/41 Tasmania Sep 30, 2022
0(5) 1/47 South Australia Sep 26, 2022
10*(7) 2/44 Victoria Feb 23, 2022
2*(7) 2/17 New South Wales Feb 14, 2022
4(19) 1/20 New South Wales Mar 31, 2021
Batting Bowling Opposition Match Date
DNB 3/20 Zimbabwe Under-19 Jan 17, 2018
7(5) 0/47 India Under-19 Jan 14, 2018
Batting Bowling Opposition Match Date
44*(37) 0/26 University Of Queensland Aug 25, 2024
52(39) 4/24 South Brisbane Aug 25, 2024
7(9) 2/25 Western Suburbs Aug 23, 2024
DNB - Western Suburbs Sep 03, 2023
65*(40) - Toombul Sep 02, 2023
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