Right-handed batter Ajinkya Rahane is celebrating his 34th birthday on Monday and wishes are pouring in on social media. Rahane, known as a complete team man, led India to a famous Test series win over Australia last year. After being bundled out for 36 in Adelaide and Virat Kohli heading home as he was expecting the birth of his child, Rahane stepped in as the stand-in skipper and managed to rally the team around to lead a tremendous fightback.
Rahane himself scored a century in the second Test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, and led from the front to help India stage a fightback to level the series. A string of injuries did not hamper India's advance and the side went on to breach the Gabba fortress to defeat Australia 2-1 after losing the first Test.
Here are some of the birthday wishes for Rahane:
Rahane had made his T20I and ODI debut in 2011 against England while he played his first Test in 2013 against Australia in Delhi.
In his career so far, Rahane has played 82 Tests, 90 ODIs and 20 T20Is for India, scoring 8,268 runs across all formats of the game.
He last played a Test against South Africa in January this year, but he was dropped for the next series against Sri Lanka. After that, the batter represented Mumbai in Ranji Trophy and also played for KKR in the IPL. However, he got injured midway during the tournament and was ruled out.
One of the most famous knocks of Rahane came in 2014 when he went on to score 103 against England on a wicket which was providing a lot of help for the fast bowlers at Lord's. This knock helped India defeat England.