Back to the cricket field with their assignment in the Legends League Cricket, Gautam Gambhir and S Sreesanth triggered a huge controversy. The duo clashed on the field, with Gambhir allegedly calling Sreesanth a 'fixer'. The incident created a huge storm on social media after Sreesanth decided to make some grave allegations against his former India teammate. When Harbhajan Singh, one of India's finest spinners, was asked about the incident, he took a rather diplomatic take, responding to the question by using a famous dialogue from a Bollywood movie.
"Bade baad shehro mein chhoti chhoti baatein hoti rehti hain (in big cities, small things keep happening)," Harbhajan said in a press conference organised by Legends League Cricket.
While Harbhajan's take left the reporters in the press conference amused, he was also reminded of the infamous 'slapgate' involving him and Sreesanth. But, he wasn't entirely happy to see that incident being dragged into this controversy.
"That is an incident of the past. Let's not bring that up. What happened then was not right, and I don't have any hesitation in saying that the fault was mine. I don't know what happened this time (between Sreesanth and Gambhir). LLC has offered good cricket this year, and it would be better to stick to that only," he said.
When it comes to the latest developments in the matter, NDTV sources confirmed that Sreesanth has been issued a notice by the Legends League Cricket commissioner over his social media outburst.
As per the legal notice issued by LLC, Sreesanth's rant on social media about the on-field incident was a 'breach of contract'. The notice is believed to have said that no dialogue is possible with Sreesanth until he removes all videos he has posted on social media. The notice also said to have stressed that the on-field umpires did not report mention use of any expletives by Gambhir on the field.