Mohammed Azharuddin, former India captain, shared pictures on Twitter of his green scooter from his "early career days". He revealed how the scooter was given to him as an "acknowledgment" of his talent. Azharuddin stated that riding a scooter was a "great luxury" as compared to going to the stadium cycling or on foot. The post was captioned, "Fond memories of my early career days when I got this scooter as an acknowledgment of my talent. It was a great luxury as compared to walking or on some lucky days cycling for miles to reach the practice stadium in the wee hours."
In one of the photographs, Azharuddin is seen posing while sitting on the scooter, while the last picture shows that the headlight of scooter has 'Azar' printed on it.
Azharuddin, the president of the Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA), has been posting cricket-related posts frequently on his official social media handles.
Recently, he posted a picture of India's win against England in the 1999 World Cup. Through that picture, he asked his followers to name the Man of the Match.
Before that, a nostalgic Azharuddin had shared a photograph from the 1992 Cricket World Cup which included all the captains of the teams involved in the competition standing on a ship in the Sydney Harbour.
Other captains in the photograph included Graham Gooch (England), Imran Khan (Pakistan), David Houghton (Zimbabwe), Aravinda de Silva (Sri Lanka), Allan Border (Australia), Kepler Wessels (South Africa), Martin Crowe (New Zealand), and Richie Richardson (West Indies).