Indian cricketer KL Rahul and Bollywood actress Athiya Shetty are set to take the big leap forward, with reports suggesting that they are set to get married on January 23. The occasion has created plenty of buzz on social media, with the pictures and videos of the venue, where the two are to tie the nuptial knot, surfacing online. While the couple hasn't made an official statement on the matter met, rumours are afloat a big guest list is in place, with the wedding function reportedly set to happen at Sunil Shetty's Khandala Farmhouse.
Since the start of the day, fans have been taking to social media to express their greetings for the couple. Here are some reactions:
Earlier, when Sunil Shetty was quizzed by the paparazzi on Sunday, he said: "Arahe hain... Kal leke atta huin mai unko... bacho ko (Athiya and KL Rahul). Aapne jo pyaar dikhaya uske liye bohot bohot thank you. We'll come... please just take care. (We are coming with kids tomorrow. Thank you for all the love).
Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul reportedly began dating in 2019 and they often trend for their social media exchanges.
Earlier, KL Rahul's Mumbai residence in Palli Hill was decorated with lights
While the Indian men's cricket team is presently busy with a bilateral assignment against New Zealand, the boys will understandably not be able to attend Rahul's wedding.
According to The Times Of India, the couple is expected to host their wedding reception after the conclusion of the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023, which is likely to be held in April-May. "Given the hectic cricket schedules, a wedding bash has been planned for the film industry and cricket bigwigs after the IPL wraps up in May," a friend close to the couple said.