Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma on Monday announced the final wrap of her upcoming movie 'Chakda Express', which is based on the life of former India pacer Jhulan Goswami. To mark the occasion, Anushka and her entire team had a very special guest as Jhulan herself came and celebrated the day on the set. In a series of photos, shared on Instagram by Anushka, the former India skipper was seen cutting a cake with the actor and giving the clap for the final take of the film.
Jhulan Goswami Celebrates Final Wrap Of 'Chakda Express' With Anushka Sharma. See Pics
Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma on Monday announced the final wrap of her upcoming movie 'Chakda Express', which is based on the life of the former India pacer Jhulan Goswami
Jhulan Goswami celebrates with Anushka Sharma and her team of 'Chakda Express'© Instagram
Earlier in September, Jhulan played her her last international match, where India Women defeated England Women to clean sweep the three-match ODI series. Jhulan bowed out of the sport having played 12 Tests, 204 ODIs and 68 T20Is for the Indian women's team. She took two wickets on her final appearance to take her tally to 255 ODI wickets, the most by a women's cricketer in the format.
"To my cricket family and beyond. So, the day has finally arrived! Like every journey has an end, my cricket journey of over 20 years ends today as I announce my retirement from all forms Of cricket. As Ernest Hemingway said, "It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end". For me this journey has been the most satisfying. It has been exhilarating, thrilling to say the least adventurous. I have had the honour of donning the India jersey for over two decades and serving my country at the best Of my abilities. There is a sense of pride every time I hear the National Anthem before a match," Jhulan had said in her retirement note on Twitter.
Talking about 'Chakda Express', the movie is based on the life of Jhulan Goswami and is directed by Prosit Roy and produced by Anushka Sharma and her brother Karnesh Ssharma's Clean Slate Filmz.
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