Shikhar Dhawan tweeted a video of a rap asking fans to stay at home amid the 14-hour "janata curfew" imposed in India on Sunday to counter the threat from the highly contagious COVID-19, a disease spread by the novel coronavirus, which has disrupted economies and killed thousands across the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday called for the "janata curfew" or self-imposed quarantine to break the chain of coronavirus infections. Dhawan tweeted his video and wrote "Stay indoors and stay safe".
In the video, Dhawan raps about how India is confident of defeating the coronavirus before asking the viewers to stay at home with their families.
Meanwhile, spinner Ravichandran Ashwin praised the start of the "janata curfew" and said that he hopes social distancing can continue.
"Unbelievable start to the #JantaCurfew, pin drop silence as they used to say in school. Hope this is extended beyond this day and social distancing can be adhered to In the days to come. @narendramodi @AmitShah," Ashwin tweeted.
Royal Challengers Bangalore coach Mike Hesson tweeted a video of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link in Mumbai without a car in sight as India maintained the self-imposed quarantine.
"Have seen this view many times from my hotel room over the years but not with less than 1000 cars on it........#India is having a curfew today for 14 hours to fight #covid_19 it's looks like it's being followed," he tweeted with the video.
The one-day "janata curfew", one of the biggest national exercises in the world, has been necessitated by the rising cases of COVID-19 across India.
"Let us all be a part of this curfew, which will add tremendous strength to the fight against COVID-19 menace. The steps we take now will help in the times to come," PM Modi tweeted moments before the "Janata curfew" came into effect.