India batter Cheteshwar Pujara on Wednesday had a Q&A session with fans on Twitter. The 34-year-old, who has been in excellent form in the Royal London Cup, England's domestic List A tournament, answered several of his fans' questions, like his most difficult knock and one goal he has set for himself. However, it was not all serious talk as former India opener Aakash Chopra posed a funny question to the veteran Test specialist. "Hey buddy...are you a better dancer now as compared to 2008?" Chopra wrote.
Pujara came up with a hilarious response.
"Sorry to disappoint, no changes whatsoever," he wrote with a laughing emoji.
Chopra once again responded to Pujara with a sweet tweet.
"Then, please Keep dancing down the pitch to smother the spin and smash centuries, brother man. You are a master at that," he wrote. "Lots of love and wishes."
Pujara earned an India Test recall on the back of his stellar form in the County Championship. Pujara has also carried his form into the one-day cup, displaying an aggressive brand of cricket that has surprised viewers.
So far, he has smashed 614 runs in eight innings at an average of 102.33 for Sussex in the ongoing season of the Royal London Cup, including three centuries and two half-centuries.
His best score is 174, which he hit against Surrey. It is also the highest score by a Sussex player in List A cricket.
The batter is the second highest run-scorer in the tournament so far, behind Stephen Sean Eskinazi of Middlesex, who has scored 658 runs in eight games.
In the County Championship, he has scored 1,094 runs at an average of 109.40 from 13 innings across eight games.