Hardik Pandya, after spending a long time away from his family members, has returned home and has since been spending quality time with his partner Natasa Stankovic and son Agastya. Ever since returning home, after playing a key role in the limited-overs leg in Australia, the Indian all-rounder has been sharing pictures of himself spending quality time with his son. Hardik recently took his partner out for a dinner and Natasa shared pictures from their outing on Instagram. "My Dinner Date," Natasa wrote, while posting the picture on her Instagram story, which was later shared by Hardik on his story as well.
Hardik continued with his good form in Australia as well. Playing as a specialist batsman, Hardik finished as India's top-scorer in the three-match ODI series. India lost the series 2-1 but Hardik starred, scoring 210 runs from three innings at an outstanding average of 105.
Carrying forward his 50-over form, Hardik played a crucial knock in the second T20I as India chased down a huge total to clinch the series win with a game left. Hardik won the the Player of the Series award for his important contribution down the order.
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