Harbhajan Singh, veteran India off-spinner, took to Twitter on Saturday to share a "very simple exercise" to help his fans increase their fitness and immunity during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Harbhajan Singh shared a video on the micro-blogging site in which a person can be seen showcasing impeccable dance skills in front of a huge crowd. "A Very Simple Exercise for only 20 seconds to Keep you Fit & Boost Your Immunity," Harbhajan Singh captioned the video on Twitter.
Fans came up with amusing replies to Harbhajan's Twitter post and one even asked the veteran cricketer to give a demo.
Recently, Harbhajan, while speaking to Aakash Chopra on the batsman's YouTube channel, urged the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) to arrange a system where non-contracted players can be allowed to play in foreign leagues.
"I think BCCI should allow players to play in foreign leagues. You have to allow non-contracted players whom you are not looking to choose in the Indian side. You have to make a system that players who have played 50 Tests or are above 35 years will seek permission from the board," Harbhajan told Aakash Chopra.
Harbhajan joined the likes of Suresh Raina, Robin Uthappaand Irfan Pathan who have voiced their opinion on allowing non-contracted Indian players to play in overseas cricket leagues.
The veteran off-spinner is all set to try his luck in acting as he will soon be seen alongside star Tamil actor Arjun in a movie titled "Friendship".
Harbhajan, who plays for the Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League, took to Instagram to share the poster of the movie that received appreciation from his fans.