Former Indian cricket team batter Vinod Kambli's recent public appearance at a memorial event for legendary coach Ramakant Achrekar has left a lot of fans concerned about his health. Earlier, there was a video where Kambli was spotted on the road as he struggled to walk properly. During the recent event, a specific video has gone viral where he clung to his childhood friend Sachin Tendulkar's hand and refused to let go while not being able to stand up properly. A close friend of Kambli has now revealed his health issues and said that the ex-cricketer has gone to rehab 14 times already.
"He has severe, multiple health issues," Marcus Couto, a former first-class umpire, told Times of India.
“There's no point in him going for rehab—Kambli has already gone to rehab 14 times! Thrice we took him to a rehab in Vasai.”
Couto visited Kambli at his residence in Bandra back in August when the first video of him struggling to walk on the street went viral on social media.
Kambli also received support from legendary Indian cricket team captain Kapil Dev. However, Kapil made it clear that that Kambli must be willing to take the first step towards recovery.
“Kapil (Dev, captain of the 1983 team) has told me clearly that if he wants to go to rehab, then we are willing to help him financially," said former India fast bowler Balwinder Singh Sandhu.
"However, he has to check into rehab himself first. Only if he does that, we are ready to foot the bill, irrespective of how long the treatment lasts," Sandhu added.
Considered two of the finest cricketing talents in the country, Sachin Tendulkar and Vinod Kambli began their cricketing journeys on a promising note.
The duo stitched a famous partnership of 664 runs for their school, Shardashram Vidyamandir, in a Harris Shield match while also registering unbeaten triple tons.
Both went on to represent India at the highest level, though Kambli's career went downhill quickly, primarily due to disciplinary issues.