MS Dhoniand Suresh Raina are two key members of three-time Indian Premier League (IPL) champions Chennai Super Kings(CSK). Apart from their time together in the Indian team, both of them have been at CSK for each and every season the franchise has been part of the cash-rich league. On the occasion of Friendship Day, the Chennai-based franchise decided to pay tribute to the star duo's friendship with a special video, which highlighted over a decade-long partnership at CSK. Sharing the video on Twitter, CSK wrote: "F.R.7.3.N.D.S - together in the pursuit of perfect10n, for a perfect den. #WhistlePodu #Yellove #FriendshipDay."
Moved by the tribute, Suresh Rainaresponded to the post, writing a heartfelt post. Sharing insights into his relationship with the former India skipper, Raina wrote that he has been more than a friend over the years.
Referring to Dhoni as his mentor, Raina wrote that the CSK skipper has always been his guiding force and stood by him during the hard times.
"Thank you for creating such beautiful memories of us @ChennaiIPL. @msdhoni bhai is not just a friend, he is been my guiding force, my mentor & always been there in the hardest times. Thank you Mahi bhai. Happy #FriendshipDay ! See you soon!," Raina tweeted, replying to CSK's post.
After a long break due to the coronavirus pandemic, Suresh Raina and MS Dhoni will be back in action playing for the last year runners-up Chennai Super Kings and will try to take them to another title.
With coronavirus cases continuing to rise in the country, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has decided to conduct the 13th edition of the IPL in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
As per IPL chairman Brijesh Patel, the tournament is expected to start on September 19, with final scheduled for November 8.