Sourav Ganguly's daughter Sana's car met was hit by a bus on Friday night, according to a report in Bengali daily Anandabazar Patrika. The incident happened at the Behala Chowrasta area. The driver of the bus has been detained, according to the report. Ganguly's daughter is safe, however, her car suffered damage and the looking glass got broken. Sana was sitting on the front seat when the accident happened. The report further said the bus was being driven recklessly. Sana's car could have overturned but her driver was alert enough to avert a major accident.
Former India captain Sourav Ganguly recently named Rishabh Pant as the next-best red-ball batter after stalwart Virat Kohli and predicted him to have a "huge impact" in the Border Gavaskar Trophy.
Pant's aggression, which comes with a fair amount of risks, has allowed him to thrive, especially against Australia. His fearlessness in 2021, on the final day of the fourth Test, led in Brisbane to the famous "Toota Hai Gabba Ka Ghamand."
Ganguly, who has closely worked with Pant during their time in Delhi Capitals in IPL, believes that the "generational talent" will have his say during the five Tests.
"His special ability. He still needs to evolve and figure out his game in white-ball cricket. But in red ball, he is just fantastic. Look at the innings he has played in England, Australia and South Africa, and you will know, he is a generational talent in red-ball cricket. He is India's next-best red-ball batter after Kohli and could have a huge impact in the series," Ganguly said while speaking to Revsportz.