With fans still trying to digest Virat Kohli's removal from Team India's white-ball captaincy, the BCCI took to social media to pay tribute to the 33-year-old with some nostalgic throwback videos. In the first video, the Indian cricket board made fans take a walk down memory lane with highlights of his match-winning knock against England in 2017. The match against England was part of a three-match ODI series which also marked Kohli's beginning as Indian ODI skipper. In the first ODI, the swashbuckling batter slammed 122 off 105 balls to help India chase down a target of 351 runs. His knock consisted of eight fours and five sixes as India reached 356 for seven in 48.1 overs. The match also saw Kedar Jadhav bag a ton with India going on to seal a 2-1 win in the series.
The video has been well-received by fans on Twitter and it has been captioned as, "THROWBACK @imVkohli announced his arrival as #TeamIndia ODI captain with a stunning match-winning knock in the chase in Pune. Relive that batting masterclass against England".
Here is the video:
The BCCI posted another highlights package of Kohli from 2018, when he slammed a ton to help India defeat West Indies in an ODI game. In the first ODI of a five-match series, he registered 140 off 107 balls to help India chase down a target of 323. During his innings, he also hit 21 fours and two maximums.
The BCCI captioned the video as, "A terrific knock in the chase that helped #TeamIndia Flag of India to a convincing win against West Indies Relive that @imVkohli special from 2018".
Here is the video:
Kohli was removed from ODI captaincy on Wednesday, with Rohit Sharma becoming India's full-time white-ball skipper. The RCB cricketer remains as India's Test captain.