A day after Virat Kohli stepped down as India Test captain, Anushka Sharma took to social media and shared an emotional post for her husband, recalling his journey as the national team's red-ball skipper. Taking to Instagram, she posted two photos. The Bollywood actor also opened up about the day when Kohli had first informed her that he would be taking up Test captaincy after MS Dhoni's decision to retire from the format. "I remember the day in 2014 when you told me that you have been made the captain as MS had decided to retire from test cricket. I remember MS, you & I having a chat later that day & him joking about how quickly your beard will start turning grey. We all had a good laugh about it", she wrote.
Anushka Sharma's Emotional Post For Virat Kohli After He Steps Down As India Test Captain
Anushka Sharma took to social media to recall Virat Kohli's journey as Indian Test captain after he stepped down from the post on Saturday.
Anushka Sharma wrote a heartfelt message for Virat Kohli
She lauded him for his growth as Team India captain
She also posted a cute couple selfie
Kohli quit as Test captain on Saturday, a day after India's 1-2 defeat to South Africa in a three-match red-ball series.
Kohli had earlier stepped down as India's T20I captain after the T20 World Cup last year and was soon also removed from the ODI captaincy with BCCI appointing Rohit Sharma as full-time white-ball skipper in December.
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