Aruna Anand, the wife of five-time world chess champion Viswanathan Anand, on Thursday said that they are keeping a close tab on the travel advisories from both Germany and India to see when it will be safe for Viswanathan's entry back to India. Earlier, the world champion had extended his stay in Germany due to flight restrictions amid the coronavirus outbreak. He had gone to Germany to take part in the Bundesliga Chess tournament and was slated to return on March 16.
"Basically it's status quo, we are just following the precautions, we are trying to keep a routine with whatever is possible. Anand is doing some exercises at home, in Germany, it is a partial lockdown, so he is able to go down the block. We are just watching the travel advisories from both the countries to see when it is suitable to fly back," Aruna told ANI.
"He is staying at an apartment, he is completely isolated. We are following the advisories, we will do whatever it is the safest option. We are following whatever is being posted on the official Twitter handles of both governments," she added.
The World Health Organisation had declared coronavirus as a pandemic on March 11.