India skipper Rohit Sharma has come under fire from broadcasters after showcasing an angry body language towards his young teammate Yashasvi Jaiswal, who dropped three catches on day four of the Boxing Day Test Jaiswal, generally a great third slip and gully catcher, had earlier dropped Usman Khawaja on two at leg gully. In the second session, after Jasprit Bumrah picked three quick wickets, Marnus Labuschagne nicked to Jaiswal in the slips on 46 off Akash Deep. But Jaiswal dropped a relatively simple catch, marking it his second shelled chance of the day. Rohit reacted furiously to Jaiswal's drop of Labuschagne by immediately throwing his arms in frustration and then blankly towards the youngster.
Virat Kohli was also irate in his reaction, while Akash mouthed a few swear words towards the youngster. Rohit's body language towards Jaiswal on his dropped catch didn't please former Australia batter Mike Hussey.
“I've got to be honest, I don't like that reaction from the Indian skipper. I appreciate he's emotional, and he desperately wants wickets, but you're the one who has to send the message of calm and support. No one means to drop a catch."
“He's gonna feel bad enough as it is for putting a catch down, especially someone like Marnus Labuschagne; it happens quickly, it's in, it's out. You don't need to see that as a young player,” he said on Fox Cricket.
Alyssa Healy, Australia women's captain, thought the team needs to be gentle towards Jaiswal, considering he will hold the key in India's chase at Melbourne. “Particularly when you need him to walk out and open the batting alongside you, to make some runs and try and win a Test match for your country," she said.
Unfortunately, Jaiswal dropped another catch just before tea, this time of skipper Pat Cummins. That shelled chance brought out a more muted reaction from Rohit, but he still stared blankly at Jaiswal.
Speaking on ABC Radio, former Australia coach Darren Lehmann appreciated wicketkeeper-batter Rishabh Pant for being gentle towards Jaiswal over his dropped catches.
"Rishabh Pant did well. He actually gave him a pat on the back and said 'just hang in there, we all drop them'. What he doesn't need is the captain Rohit Sharma and (Virat) Kohli throwing their arms about. The poor kid."
Former Victoria wicketkeeper Darren Berry said on X that Jaiswal needs support of senior India players to regain his focus and keep his spirits up. “You gotta feel for the kid Jaiswal has dropped 3 catches today. He might have dropped 3 crucial chances, the game & the series. His only answer is a match-winning innings when his chance comes later today for India. Needs a pat on the back from his senior players not berated.”️