Six-time champions Novak Djokovic came from two sets down to beat Jannik Sinner in the quarterfinals of the ongoing Wimbledon. During the five-set thriller at the Centre Court on Tuesday, Djokovic was at his best as he unleashed a stunning running backhand winner against his Italian opponent. Leading 30-30, 4-2 in the final set, the top-seed was already off-balance after returning Sinner's serve and had to quickly reach the other side to return the latter's forehand. He, however, left everyone awestruck by producing a stunning backhand crosscourt winner, before celebrating it by making a Superman-like flying pose.
The video was shared by Wimbledon on their official Twitter handle.
"This is how champions play. Over to you, @DjokerNole..." the video caption read.
Despite losing the first two sets, Djokovic kept his cool and eventually won the match 5-7, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2.
This was the third time when Djokovic had to come from two sets down in Wimbledon, and seventh overall in Grand Slams.
His two previous triumphs at Wimbledon from two sets down had come against Guillermo Garcia-Lopez (3-6, 3-6, 7-6, 7-6, 6-4) in 2005 and Kevin Anderson (6-7, 6-7, 6-1, 6-4, 7-5) in 2015.
In the process, Djokovic registered his 84th match win at Wimbledon, drawing level with Jimmy Connors in second place for most singles wins by a male player.
Eight-time winner Roger Federer leads the chart with 105 wins at Wimbledon.
The Serb will now take on Britain's Cameron Norrie in the semifinals on Friday.
Norrie too had a gruesome five-set thriller against Belgium's David Goffin.
The 26-year-old was trailing two-sets-to-one, before eventually winning the match 3-6, 7-5, 2-6, 6-3, 7-5.