Indian cricket great Kapil Dev didn't filter his words as he criticised the Indian team for his underperformance, especially in ICC events. After the 2nd ODI against West Indies concluded with a defeat for the Indian team, Kapil's comments criticising the team went viral. The 1983 World Cup-winning India captain suggested that the money that came with the Indian Premier League has brought a sense of arrogance in the players. However, Ravindra Jadeja quashed such allegations, saying there's no arrogance in the Indian team.
"I don't know when he has said this. I don't search these things on social media. See everyone has their own opinion. Ex-player have full right to share their opinion, but I don't think there is any arrogance in this team," Jadeja told reporters ahead of the third and final ODI against West Indies.
In an interview with The Week, Kapil had siad: "Sometimes, when too much money comes, arrogance comes. These cricketers, they feel they know everything."
The Indian team faced severe criticism for the loss against West Indies in the second ODI that saw both Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma being rested while some new combinations were tried. With the ODI World Cup only two months away, many felt that there was no room for such experiments now.
Kapil's comments in the interview turned the heat further on the Indian players. But, Jadeja said that the players only want to do well for the team, and there's no personal agenda.
"Everyone is enjoying their cricket and everyone are hardworking. No one has taken anything for granted. They are giving their 100 percent.
"Such comments generally come when the Indian team lost a match. This is a good bunch of boys, this is a good group. We are representing India and that is our main aim, there is no personal agenda," he explained.
India would look to make amends as the team takes on West Indies in the 3rd and final ODI on Tuesday.