India's table tennis star Manika Batra's missing baggage has been found and delivered to her, she said on Tuesday and thanked aviation minister Jyotiraditya Scindia and his office for their "prompt" action. Batra lost her baggage containing sports equipment, while returning home from a tournament in Peru in a KLM Airlines flight and she had sought help from the government to recover it.
"Thank you so much @JM_Scindia sir and his office for prompt action and helping me in getting my baggage. I have received it this morning," Batra wrote on X, formerly Twitter.
On Tuesday evening, after Batra sought help from the union minister, his office said, "Hi, the suitcase has been placed into the container bound for Delhi. We anticipate its arrival on today's flight, scheduled to land at 01:55 AM tomorrow." The world number 35 Batra said she was travelling in business class in the Dutch flag carrier and never expected to lose baggage with priority tag.
"Unbelievable disappointment with @KLM.! Priority-tagged baggage lost on a business class flight, including my essential sports kit for an upcoming tournament," Batra had tweeted.
"Staff at the airport had no answers or any solutions & they had no idea where my bag is. @JM_Scindia sir pls help." Batra was coming back to India after playing in a WTT Contender tournament in Lima via Amsterdam.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)