Indian shooter Apurvi Chandela pledged to donate Rs 3 lakh to PM-CARES Fund while Rs 2 lakh to Rajasthan CM Relief Fund to support the battle against Coronavirus pandemicin the country. "I pledge to contribute 3 Lakhs to PM CARE Fund and 2 Lakhs to Rajasthan Chief Minister''s Relief Fund. India can, and will fight this pandemic. @narendramodi @PMOIndia @ashokgehlot51 @KirenRijiju," Chandela tweeted.
On Wednesday, All India Football Federation (AIFF) pledged to donate Rs 25 lakh to the PM-Cares Fund to support the fight against the coronavirus threat.
Hockey India also contributed Rs 25 lakh towards the PM-CARES Fund.
On Saturday, PM Narendra Modi announced the creation of the Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM-CARES) Fund and appealed to all the countrymen to show their support for the cause.
On Saturday, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) gave Rs 51 crore to PM-CARES.
Cricketer Suresh Raina donated Rs 31 lakh to PM-CARES and Rs 21 lakh to Uttar Pradesh CM's Disaster Relief Fund.
On Friday, former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar had donated Rs 50 lakh to aid the battle against COVID-19.
With 437 new cases reported in the last 24 hours, the tally of COVID-19 positive cases in India shot up to 1,834 on Wednesday night.
The number of deaths in the country due to COVID-19 has risen to 41. The total number of active cases in the country is 1,649.
143 persons have been cured and discharged from the hospitals. One person has migrated, according to the data provided by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.