Tamil Nadu Kabaddi Players Brutally Attacked In Punjab, Udhayanidhi Stalin Reacts

Kabaddi players from Tamil Nadu, participating in an Inter-University competition in Bathinda, Punjab, were assaulted on Friday, according to reports. The fight broke out after the players were unhappy with a decision of the match referee, the reports claimed. The student-athletes from various universities such as Mother Teresa University, Periyar University, Alagappa University and Bharathiar University were competing in the North Zone Inter University & All India Inter University Kabaddi (Women) Championship 2024-25 According to a report in India Today, the athletes were allegedly first attacked by players of a rival team. The report added that a 'foul attack' called against Mother Teresa University during the game with Darbhanga University resulted in an altercation. The referee of the kabaddi match attacked a member of the Mother Teresa team after argument broke out following an appeal.