A 26-year-old man from Satara district was arrested for trespass after he entered the cricket stadium in Gahunje, to greet Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) player Virat Kohli and Mumbai Indians captain Rohit Sharma during their IPL match, a police official said on Sunday. A video of Dashrath Jadhav running into the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium on Saturday, during which he fist bumped Kohli who was batting and then moved towards Sharma, had gone viral on social media.
Jadhav was charged under IPC sections 447 (criminal trespass) and 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty ) as he allegedly indulged in an altercation with police while being taken out of the ground, said Senior Inspector Madhukar Sawant of Talegaon police station.