Rohit Sharma-led Team India arrived in Guwahati on Thursday for the second T20I of the three-match series against South Africa. A day later, the BCCI shared the video of the team's arrival on social media. In the clip, Arshdeep Singh and Deepak Chahar could be seen cutting a cake ahead of their departure from Thiruvananthapuram -- the venue for the first T20I -- before taking a flight to Guwahati. There, from airport to the streets of the city, a huge crowd had come out of their homes to give a rousing reception to the players.
In the hotel, they were welcomed with gamusas -- traditional scarves used to welcome guests in Assam -- while also treated to a Bihu performance.
It is worth noting that India's pace spearhead Jasprit Bumrah has been ruled out of the ongoing T20I series between India and South Africa due to a back injury.
The All-India Senior Selection Committee on Friday named Mohammed Siraj as replacement for the injured Bumrah for the remainder of the T20I series against the Proteas.
The BCCI made the official announcement about it and they also provided an update on the extent of Bumrah's injury. "Bumrah has sustained a back injury and is currently under the supervision of the BCCI Medical Team," said the Indian cricket board in an official media release.
Bumrah had also missed the first T20I against South Africa in Thiruvananthapuram due to the back injury.
India had won the first T20I by 8 wickets to gain a 1-0 lead in the three-match series against South Africa. The teams play the second game on October 2 at the Barsapara Cricket Stadium.