Indian cricket team star Abhishek Sharma has come down hard on Indian airline Indigo for a bad experience while travelling at the Delhi airport. While he did not provide the details of his destination, Sharma, who has played 12 T20Is for India and will also play in the team's next fixture against England, said the airline's poor service ruined his holiday. He accused the airline of unnecessarily redirecting him to different counters, which according to him, led to a missed flight.
The 'AirHelp Score report 2024' placed the domestic carrier near the bottom at 103rd place out of 109 analysed. The report also ranked Air India at 61st and AirAsia at 94th.
Low-cost airline IndiGo on Wednesday refuted findings of a report which claimed that IndiGo has been ranked among the world's worst airlines this year.
In a statement, IndiGo said that India's aviation regulator, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), publishes data on airline punctuality and customer complaints monthly.
"IndiGo has consistently scored high on punctuality and has the lowest customer complaint ratio for an airline of its size and scale of operations," said the airline.
It further stated that the data published in the survey by AirHelp, an EU claim processing agency, "does not report the sample size from India, and neither takes into account the methodology or compensation guidelines used by the global aviation industry - casting a doubt on its credibility".
With IANS inputs