Cyclist Triyasha Paul has tested positive for COVID-19 after arriving here for the national camp and she is currently in isolation, the Sports Authority of India (SAI) said on Sunday."Cyclist Triyasha Paul, who is a part of the national cycling camp which is scheduled to start at Indira Gandhi National Stadium, has tested Covid 19 positive," the SAI said in a release. "Triyasha arrived at the camp on August 12 and was given SAI's mandatory Covid 19 test upon arrival."
As many as 11 athletes, four coaches, and 16 support staff had reached the camp at the Indira Gandhi National Stadium early this month and they had returned COVID-19 negative in the mandatory tests. They are currently under quarantine.
"All members of the team have been in quarantine and in isolation since their arrival, and therefore Triyasha has not interacted with other campers during quarantine," the SAI said.
"She is being given all necessary treatment and is in isolation within the campus."
The national camp was supposed to start on August 14 but it has now been delayed.
"The national camp is yet to start. Cycling Federation of India will decide tomorrow in a meeting," CFI chairman Onkar Singh told PTI.
Asked about Triyasha, Singh said: "She came late. She is asymptomatic and is in isolation without any contact with others."