The Indian Premier League (IPL) media rights for the 2023-27 cycle created a lot of buzz recently as it was sold for over Rs 48,000 crore. The franchise cricket league is currently a 10-team affair and there are talks that it might be a 94-match affair in the coming times. BCCI secretary Jay Shah reacted to the development after the e-auction of the media rights. “That is an aspect we have worked upon. Let me inform you that from the next ICC FTP calendar, IPL will have an official two-and-a-half month window so that all the top international cricketers can participate. We have had discussions with various boards as well as the ICC,” Shah told news agency PTI.
With IPL likely to get a bigger window, it might mean that the international calendar might be squeezed further. Former Pakistan cricket team captain Shahid Afridi reacted to the news recently.
“It's all about the market. It's about the economy. Your biggest market is India. What they say, it will be done that way and it will happen that way,” Shahid Afridi said on a show titled ‘Game Set Match' on SAMAATV's YouTube channel.
At the IPL media rights e-auction Disney Star retained the TV telecast rights with a bid price of Rs 23,575 crore. “I am thrilled to announce that STAR INDIA wins India TV rights with their bid of Rs 23,575 crores. The bid is a direct testimony to the BCCI's organizational capabilities despite two pandemic years,” BCCI secretary Jay Shah wrote in a tweet.
"Viacom18 bags digital rights with its winning bid of Rs 23,758 cr. India has seen a digital revolution & the sector has endless potential. The digital landscape has changed the way cricket is watched. It has been a big factor in the growth of the game & the Digital India vision," Shah confirmed in another tweet.
Reliance's Viacom18, won the rights for package C with a Rs 3,258 crore winning bid. As a result of this, Viacom, who also won the rights for Package B with a pay out of Rs 20,500 crore (Rs 50 crore per match for 410 matches), ended up paying Rs 23,758 crore for the entire bouquet of digital rights.
The Package D, which included rights for the Rest of the world, was won for a bid of Rs 1058 crore.
In the end it was the BCCI that laughed its way to the bank, raking in a total sum of Rs 48,390 crore for the packages A, B, C and D.