Former India cricketer Harbhajan Singh congratulated Bhagwant Mann on being elected as the new chief minister of Punjab. This comes after the Aam Aadmi Pary swept 92 of the 117 Assembly seats, and dominated the Indian National Congress (INC) and the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD)-Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) alliance. Mann, who is also an MLA from the Dhuri Assembly Constituency, will take oath as the new CM of Punjab at Khatkarkalan in Nawanshahr district. Taking to Twitter, Harbhajan shared a heartwarming photo of Mann hugging his mother.
"Congratulations to @AamAadmiParty and My friend Bhagwant Mann on Becoming our New Chief minister. Great to hear that he will be taking oath as the new CM in Bhagat Singh's village Khatkarkalan, What a picture...this is a proud moment for Mata ji," Harbhajan captioned the post.
Mann also took to Twitter and thanked the people of Punjab for showing faith in the party.
"Heartfelt thanks to the people of Punjab for giving the verdict in favour of change and honest politics (translated from Punjabi)," Mann tweeted.
Harbhajan had announced his retirement from all forms of cricket last year in December, bringing the curtains down on his 23-year-long career.
The former India spinner, who had made his debut in 1998, was part of the Indian team that won the 2007 T20 World and the 2011 ODI World Cup.
During his career, Harbhajan played 103 Tests, 236 ODIs and 28 T20Is, taking 714 wickets across formats.