Actor Kichcha Sudeep got a special gift from Rajasthan Royals recently and he took to Twitter to share a video revealing just what it was. The Royals, who finished runners-up in Indian Premier League (IPL) 2022, sent him a bat autographed by none other than Orange Cap winner Jos Buttler. Kichcha Sudeep shared a video thanking Rajasthan Royals and Buttler for the special gift, which he called "a great surprise", saying he received it with "great happiness". "A big hug to this sweet surprise and a sweetest gesture. Thank you @josbuttler," he tweeted along with the video.
Buttler was undoubtedly the star of the season, scoring a whopping 863 runs from 17 matches with a strike rate of 149.05.
His tally now is just behind Virat Kohli's tally of 973 runs in the 2016 seasons on the list of highest runs by a batter in a single IPL season. He surpassed David Warner's tally of 848 runs from 2016 as he became just the third player to score more than 800 runs in a single season.
Buttler also equalled Virat Kohli's record of four centuries in a single IPL season. Kohli had, of course, achieved the feat in 2016.
Buttler's heroics played a huge part in the Royals reaching the IPL 2022 final.
However, they could not go all the way as Gujarat Titans triumphed over them in the summit clash to lift the title in their maiden season.
It was only the second time that the Royals reached an IPL final. The only other time they played the final was in the inaugural edition of the IPL in 2008, when they had won the title under the leadership of the late great Shane Warne.